When the Disney Parks closed in 2020 due to the pandemic, my team was responsible for creating joyful, short form content to keep the Disney Magic alive for Guests at home.

As creative lead I was responsible for creative direction and project management, in addition to the hands on creative.


Halloween 2020

When the Disney Parks couldn’t host their regular Halloween celebrations in 2020, three fun loving ghosts took matters into their own little hands.

Design & Animation: CL Terry

Photography: David Roark

Float On

A sweet story following the Disney Parks Ducks during the early stages of the park closures.

Design & Animation: CL Terry


Pride 2021

There is magic in being who you are! Along with dressing up iconic Walt Disney World attractions in the colors of the rainbow, we released complimentary wallpapers of each of the scenes for our guests to download and keep.

Design & Animation: CL Terry

Copy: Kelli Fitzpatrick

Mickey Mouse in Through The ‘Ears

A fun celebration of our main Mouse’s birthday, following his impressive evolution through the ‘ears.

Design & Animation: CL Terry

Copy: Kelli Fitzpatrick


My Disney Experience


Life Hacks with LE-0